How To Prepare For A Car Accident

Published on
November 29, 2022

No one ever wants to be in a car accident. Yet even the most careful drivers can find themselves in a collision. That's why it's important to be prepared for the unexpected.

Knowing some tips on how to prepare for a car accident can help to minimize the damages and make the claims process smoother. Taking some time to familiarize yourself with these tips can help to ease your mind and make sure that you know what to do if the worst does happen.

Common Reasons Why Car Accidents Happen

When searching, “How to avoid car accidents,” on Google, you’ll find a ton of resources that can help you after the fact. Yet, as car accidents are becoming increasingly common\, it’s important to start with why they happen.
There are many factors that contribute to an increase in car accidents over time.

One of the most common reasons is distracted driving. With the rise of cell phones and other electronic devices, it's all too easy for drivers to take their eyes off the road. Even a momentary lapse in attention can lead to disaster (cough cough, don’t forget to always check your blind spots).

Another common cause of fatal accidents and car crashes is drunk driving. Intoxicated drivers have poor coordination, slow reaction times, and trouble judging distances. They are also more likely to take risks and make poor decisions. This may seem obvious. However, what can also impair your driving is any medication you take beforehand, including mild medicine like allergy pills.

Speeding is another leading cause of car accidents. When drivers exceed the posted speed limit, they reduce their margin for error and increase the likelihood of a collision.

By being aware of these common causes of car accidents, drivers can take steps to avoid them. Although you can't control everything on the road, paying attention, obeying traffic laws, and driving defensively will help keep you (and your passengers) safe.

Tips To Avoid Getting Into A Car Accident

Though we hope it will never happen to us, being involved in a car accident is always a possibility. Even the safest drivers can experience one, so it's important to be prepared.

Here are some tips on how to increase your safety on the road and avoid getting into a car accident:

Make sure your car is in good condition

Regularly check the tires, brakes, and fluids. Car maintenance helps to keep your vehicle running smoothly and decreases the chance of something going wrong while you're on the road.

Always wear your seatbelt

A seatbelt is your best defense against being ejected from the vehicle or sustaining serious injuries in a collision. And make sure you don’t start driving until all passengers have their seatbelts on.

Keep your eyes on the road

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of accidents. If you must take your attention off the road for any reason, it’s better to pull over to a safe location before doing so.

Stay alert and rested

Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as distracted driving. If you’re feeling tired, take a break or switch drivers.

Drive defensively

Be aware of other drivers around you and always expect the unexpected. If someone else appears to be driving recklessly, don’t hesitate to take evasive action to avoid them (usually slowing down or changing lanes so that they can safely pass you is the best option).

By following these tips, you can dramatically increase your safety on the road and reduce your chances of being involved in a car accident.

What Should I Have In My Emergency Kit?

An emergency kit is a must-have for any driver. No one knows when they might have to deal with a flat tire, a dead battery, or even a car accident. By being prepared, you can avoid a potentially dangerous situation.

So the main question to ask is, “What should I include in my car emergency kit?”

Medical Kit

Make sure you have a good first-aid kit that includes items like bandages, gauze, and antiseptic wipes. This can be useful for treating minor injuries sustained in an accident.

You should also pack any prescription medications you take, as well as over-the-counter medicines like pain relievers and antihistamines. If you have any allergies or medical conditions that require special care, be sure to include those items in your kit as well.

Just remember, as we mentioned earlier, medications can also aid in impaired driving, so these should only be used after an accident has occurred.

Orange Cones

Consider keeping an orange cone or reflector in your car so you can warn other drivers if there's an accident ahead. This will help them avoid the accident and hopefully prevent further accidents from happening.

In addition, having an orange cone or reflector will also make it easier for emergency vehicles to spot the accident and get to the scene quickly. Sometimes you can just use your hazard lights if your car is still operational, but it’s best to keep your vehicle off while you are waiting for first responders.

Flashlight and Blankets

Make sure you have a flashlight and extra batteries. This will come in handy if you have to change a tire at night or signal for help.

A blanket can provide warmth in the event of an injury or exposure. It can be used to help immobilize an injured person. Lastly, it can also be used to signal for help or to create a makeshift tent for rain.

Spare Fuel

Running out of gasoline on the road shouldn’t happen if you’re minding your tank’s meter. But in the event that you do run out of gas, there are super convenient (and small) gas tanks that you can safely store in your trunk.

List of Emergency Contacts

You should always have a list of emergency contacts on hand . This should include the police, local ambulance, one emergency contact, and your insurance company.

You should also have the contact information for a tow truck and a local auto body shop handy. If possible, you should program these numbers into your phone so they're readily available in case of an accident (preferably have them written on paper in case your phone gets is damaged and you need to borrow someone else’s).

Why Understanding Your Coverage Info Is Important

As anyone who has been in a car accident knows, it can be a very stressful experience. Not only do you have to deal with the damage to your car (and other potential property damage), but you also have to deal with insurance companies.

If you don't understand your car coverage info, you could end up being liable for a lot of costs. That's why it's so important to take the time to understand your coverage before you need it.

There are a few things you should know about your car insurance coverage. First of all, you need to know what type of coverage(s) you have. There are two main types of coverage: liability and collision.

Liability coverage will protect you if you are at fault in an accident. Collision coverage will protect you if your car is damaged in an accident, regardless of who is at fault.

You should also be aware of your deductibles. This is the amount of money you will have to pay out of pocket before your insurance company will cover the rest of the damage.

It's important to understand your coverage info so that you can be prepared.  By taking the time to understand your car coverage info, you'll know exactly what to expect in the event of an accident.

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Now that you know how to prepare for a car accident, it's time to ride with LOOP. We are committed to making insurance as easy as possible. Whether you're a first-time driver or a seasoned pro, we can help you find the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

Also, our weekly newsletter is full of driving tips and advice, so sign up today and stay informed on how to keep your car safe on the road.

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