Auto Insurance
3 min read

What Does TCPA Mean And Why Does My Car Insurance Policy Include This?

Published on
May 23, 2023

As consumers, we may receive phone calls, texts, and faxes from various businesses, but have you ever wondered about the laws that govern these communications? The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is a federal law that regulates telephone sales, aiming to protect consumers from unwanted and pushy calls, faxes, and messages.

In this blog post, we'll explore what the TCPA means, its requirements, and its implications for businesses and consumers, including auto dealers and car insurance companies. We'll also dive into specific examples of TCPA violations and their consequences.

Understanding the TCPA: Who is Covered and What is Regulated

The TCPA was first signed into law in 1991 by President George H.W. Bush and remains the bedrock of federal telemarketing regulations. It regulates telephone solicitations and covers voice calls, faxes, VoIP calls, and text messages, including auto-dialed and prerecorded messages sent to cell phones. Businesses, organizations, and individuals that conduct telephone solicitations must follow the TCPA. This includes auto dealers, car insurance companies, marketers, and telemarketers.

5 Major Types of TCPA Violations

  1. Calling or texting outside allowed hours (8:00 AM to 9:00 PM in the recipient's time zone).
  2. Sending auto-dialed or prerecorded telemarketing calls or texts without prior express written consent.
  3. Failing to maintain and honor an internal Do Not Call (DNC) list.
  4. Failing to suppress numbers on the National DNC Registry.
  5. Failing to provide proper identification information during calls.

TCPA Enforcement and Consequences of Violations

The TCPA is a strict law that applies liability, which means that ignorance or unintentional errors aren't excused or pardoned if a company doesn’t follow the law. The TCPA allows consumers to bring individual lawsuits and class actions. Violations can result in penalties as high as $500 per violation, with willful violations going as high as $1,500 per violation. In one notable case, a debt collector faced $925 million worth of penalties in a TCPA class action.

TCPA Impacts on Auto Dealers and Car Insurance Companies

The TCPA's regulations extend to auto dealers and insurance companies that conduct telephone solicitations (sales calls). These businesses must obtain proper consent before sending telemarketing calls and texts, and they must honor consumers' requests to be placed on internal DNC lists. Violations can result in costly penalties and lawsuits, potentially harming the reputation and financial stability of the business.

When it comes to car insurance companies specifically, unless you’ve given them your phone number in an online form—either on their site or on a quote comparison site, they aren’t allowed to call you.

State-Level Telemarketing Laws and Their Relevance

In addition to the federal TCPA, many states have their own telemarketing laws, some of which are modeled on the TCPA. The TCPA doesn't preempt state or local telemarketing regulations, so compliance with regulations at every level is mandatory. Businesses must remain vigilant about state-specific requirements and stay updated on any new telemarketing laws that may be passed.

The main takeaway

The TCPA plays an important role in protecting consumers like yourself from unwanted and annoying communications while making sure that businesses follow ethical telemarketing practices. Although the TCPA doesn't directly affect your specific car insurance policy, it does regulate how auto dealers, car insurance companies, and other businesses can contact you. As consumers, it's necessary to be aware of our rights under the TCPA and to act if we encounter violations.

About the Author: This article was crafted by the LOOP Marketing Team. Comprising of seasoned professionals with expertise in the insurance industry, our team is dedicated to providing readers with accurate, up-to-date, and valuable information. At LOOP, we're passionate about helping families navigate the world of car insurance, ensuring they get the best coverage at the most affordable rates. Learn more about our mission and values here.

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