Simple Ways You Can Save Money On Gas

Published on
July 7, 2023

Rising fuel prices have many of us feeling the pinch. But don't despair—you have more control over your fuel consumption than you might think. This blog post will show you simple ways to save money on gas and answer questions like "What wastes gas in a car?" and "Does AC waste gas?" Let's dive in.

Setting Up a Plan

Before anything else, establish a budget. Like keeping track of your grocery expenses, being aware of how much you're spending on gas can help you set savings goals. If you don’t know where to start, begin by seeing how much you spent on gas last month. You either choose to keep that as your target amount as an average for the rest of the year or see if you decrease it by 10% to start‌ with.

Now, let's start looking at how to save money on gas for your car over time.

Understanding Gas Prices

Ever wonder what makes gas prices fluctuate? Here's a quick breakdown:

  • Global Crude Oil Prices: This is the cost of raw oil, which can change due to geopolitics and natural disasters. Imagine this as buying flour to bake bread—if the price of flour rises, your homemade bread will also be more expensive.
  • Refining, Distribution, and Profits: The cost to turn crude oil into gas, transport it, and sell it.
  • Taxes: The government's cut, as simple as that. This would be like sales tax on your bread.
  • Seasonality: Demand for gas often increases in the summer, leading to higher prices.
  • Regional Operating Costs and Regulations: Depending on where you live, local laws and costs can affect gas prices.

Saving at the Pump

Here's how to make each visit to the gas station lighter on your wallet:

  • Shop Around: Gas prices can vary significantly between stations. Apps like GasBuddy can help you find the cheapest gas near you.
  • Join Gas Rewards Programs and Use Reward Credit Cards: Many gas stations offer rewards programs, and some credit cards offer cash back on gas purchases. It's like having a loyalty card for your favorite coffee shop.
  • Pay with Cash: Some stations offer discounts for paying with cash. It never hurts to ask!
  • Fill Up on Monday: Gas prices tend to be lowest at the start of the week (it’s important to test this theory in your local area though).
  • Choose Regular: Unless your car's manufacturer specifically recommends it, premium gas won't boost your car's performance.

Saving While Driving

Believe it or not, how you drive can impact your gas consumption:

  • Cruise Control: Using cruise control on highways helps maintain a steady speed, which saves gas.
  • Watch Your Speed: Gas mileage usually decreases rapidly at speeds above 50mph. It's like running instead of walking—you'll burn energy faster.
  • Avoid Idling: If you're waiting somewhere for more than a couple of minutes, turn off your engine. An idle car gets 0 mpg!
  • Ditch the Extra Weight: Just like it's harder to walk carrying a heavy backpack, your car burns more fuel when it's carrying extra weight.

Saving with Vehicle Maintenance

A well-maintained vehicle operates with improved efficiency and uses less gas over time:

  • Tire Pressure: A car with properly inflated tires reduces resistance on the road and therefore uses less fuel. Just like a bike with underinflated tires is harder to pedal, a car with underinflated tires is harder to drive.
  • Regular Oil Changes: Regular oil changes keep your engine running smoothly. Clean oil reduces friction within the engine, which can help your car run more efficiently. Make sure to use the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil.
  • Clean Air Filter: A clean air filter means your engine doesn't have to work as hard to take in air, which improves gas mileage by up to 7% on average. It's similar to how it's easier to breathe while in a clean grassy plain compared to a smoggy city.
  • Regular Maintenance: Changing spark plugs, keeping fuel injectors clean, and checking oxygen sensors can also improve fuel efficiency. These elements make sure the engine operates smoothly and the fuel-air mixture is ideal for combustion.
  • Secure Your Gas Cap: An improperly sealed gas cap can trigger the check engine light and may cause fuel to vaporize. Make sure it’s secure after every fill-up.

Techniques for Drivers to Conserve Fuel

Your driving habits can also significantly impact your vehicle's fuel efficiency:

  • Slow Down and Drive Conservatively: Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration, and braking) can lower your gas mileage by up to 30% at highway speeds and 40% in stop-and-go traffic. It's like eating a meal; if you rush, you may end up with indigestion.
  • Combine Errands: Plan your day to reduce unnecessary driving. Several short trips from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as one longer multi-purpose trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm. It's like cooking all your meals at once versus heating up the oven multiple times a day.
  • Reduce Vehicle Load: Similar to the previous section, get rid of unnecessary cargo. An extra 100 pounds could reduce your MPG by about 1%.
  • AC vs. Windows Down: Air conditioning can increase fuel consumption at low speeds, but at high speeds, having windows down creates drag. If it's hot out and you're going highway speeds, use the AC. If you're driving slowly around town, open the windows.
  • Reduce Excessive Idling: Idling can use a quarter to a half gallon of fuel per hour, depending on your car's engine size and AC use. Turn off your car when parked. It's less fuel-consuming to turn your vehicle off and restart it than to keep it running.
  • Purchase an Energy-Efficient Vehicle: If you're in the market for a new car, consider a fuel-efficient model or even a hybrid or electric vehicle. These might have a higher upfront cost but could save you money in the long run.

By practicing these techniques, you can reduce fuel consumption and save money without having to cut back on your driving.

What to Do With the Money You Save on Gas

Saving on gas could amount to hundreds of dollars per year. Consider saving this money, paying off debt, or even investing it to make it grow. Every little bit helps!

With a bit of planning and simple changes to how you drive and maintain your car, you can significantly reduce your fuel costs. It's worth the effort. The money you save could be the key to achieving your financial goals. Now it's your turn to take control of your fuel consumption. Go on and give it a try.

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About the Author: This article was crafted by the LOOP Marketing Team. Comprising of seasoned professionals with expertise in the insurance industry, our team is dedicated to providing readers with accurate, up-to-date, and valuable information. At LOOP, we're passionate about helping families navigate the world of car insurance, ensuring they get the best coverage at the most affordable rates. Learn more about our mission and values here.

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